Test that the format of grid shorthands style uses slashes as expected On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". Test grid-column shorthand PASS item.style.gridColumn is "1" PASS item.style.gridColumn is "1 / 3" PASS item.style.gridColumn is "1 / span 2" PASS item.style.gridColumn is "foo / bar" PASS item.style.gridColumn is "foo / span bar" PASS item.style.gridColumn is "2 foo / span 3 bar" Test grid-row shorthand PASS item.style.gridRow is "1" PASS item.style.gridRow is "1 / 3" PASS item.style.gridRow is "1 / span 2" PASS item.style.gridRow is "foo / bar" PASS item.style.gridRow is "foo / span bar" PASS item.style.gridRow is "2 foo / span 3 bar" Test grid-area shorthand PASS item.style.gridArea is "1" PASS item.style.gridArea is "1 / 3" PASS item.style.gridArea is "1 / span 2" PASS item.style.gridArea is "foo" PASS item.style.gridArea is "foo / bar" PASS item.style.gridArea is "2 foo / span 3 bar" PASS item.style.gridArea is "1 / 2 / 3" PASS item.style.gridArea is "1 / 3 / 2 / 4" PASS item.style.gridArea is "1 / span 2 / 1 / span 2" PASS item.style.gridArea is "foo / bar / baz / qux" PASS item.style.gridArea is "foo / span bar / baz / span qux" PASS item.style.gridArea is "2 foo / span 3 bar / 3 baz / span 2 qux" PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE