Test to make sure text-underline-position is computed properly. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". Initial value: PASS e.style.textUnderlinePosition is "" PASS computedStyle.textUnderlinePosition is "auto" Value '': PASS e.style.textUnderlinePosition is "" PASS computedStyle.textUnderlinePosition is "auto" Initial value (explicit): PASS e.style.textUnderlinePosition is "initial" PASS computedStyle.textUnderlinePosition is "auto" Value 'auto': PASS e.style.textUnderlinePosition is "auto" PASS computedStyle.textUnderlinePosition is "auto" Value 'under': PASS e.style.textUnderlinePosition is "under" PASS computedStyle.textUnderlinePosition is "under" Value 'left': PASS e.style.textUnderlinePosition is "left" PASS computedStyle.textUnderlinePosition is "left" Value 'right': PASS e.style.textUnderlinePosition is "right" PASS computedStyle.textUnderlinePosition is "right" Value 'under left': PASS e.style.textUnderlinePosition is "under left" PASS computedStyle.textUnderlinePosition is "under left" Value 'right under': PASS e.style.textUnderlinePosition is "under right" PASS computedStyle.textUnderlinePosition is "under right" Ancestor inherits values from parent: PASS e.style.textUnderlinePosition is "" PASS computedStyle.textUnderlinePosition is "under" Value 'auto under': PASS e.style.textUnderlinePosition is "" PASS computedStyle.textUnderlinePosition is "under" Value 'auto left': PASS e.style.textUnderlinePosition is "" PASS computedStyle.textUnderlinePosition is "under" Value 'right auto': PASS e.style.textUnderlinePosition is "" PASS computedStyle.textUnderlinePosition is "under" Value 'under under': PASS e.style.textUnderlinePosition is "" PASS computedStyle.textUnderlinePosition is "under" Value 'left right': PASS e.style.textUnderlinePosition is "" PASS computedStyle.textUnderlinePosition is "under" Value 'auto alphabetic under': PASS e.style.textUnderlinePosition is "" PASS computedStyle.textUnderlinePosition is "under" PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE