createDocument tests modelled after mozilla's testing On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType('foo') threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': 3 arguments required, but only 1 present.. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType('foo', null) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': 3 arguments required, but only 2 present.. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType(undefined, undefined) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': 3 arguments required, but only 2 present.. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType(null, undefined) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': 3 arguments required, but only 2 present.. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType(undefined, null) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': 3 arguments required, but only 2 present.. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType(undefined, undefined, null) did not throw exception. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType(null, null) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': 3 arguments required, but only 2 present.. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType(null, '') threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': 3 arguments required, but only 2 present.. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType('', null) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': 3 arguments required, but only 2 present.. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType('', '') threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': 3 arguments required, but only 2 present.. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType('a:', null, null) threw exception InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': The qualified name provided ('a:') has an empty local name.. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType(':foo', null, null) threw exception InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': The qualified name provided (':foo') has an empty namespace prefix.. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType(':', null, null) threw exception InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': The qualified name provided (':') has an empty namespace prefix.. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType('foo', null, null) did not throw exception. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType('foo:bar', null, null) did not throw exception. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType('foo::bar', null, null) threw exception InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': The qualified name provided ('foo::bar') contains multiple colons.. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType(' :bar', null, null) threw exception InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': The qualified name provided (' :bar') contains the invalid name-start character ' '.. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType('foo: ', null, null) threw exception InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': The qualified name provided ('foo: ') contains the invalid name-start character ' '.. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType('foo :bar', null, null) threw exception InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': The qualified name provided ('foo :bar') contains the invalid character ' '.. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType('foo: bar', null, null) threw exception InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': The qualified name provided ('foo: bar') contains the invalid name-start character ' '.. PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType('a:b:c', null, null) threw exception InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': The qualified name provided ('a:b:c') contains multiple colons.. PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE