Test URL protocol setter. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS location.protocol = '' threw exception SyntaxError: Failed to set the 'protocol' property on 'Location': '' is an invalid protocol.. PASS location.protocol = ':' threw exception SyntaxError: Failed to set the 'protocol' property on 'Location': ':' is an invalid protocol.. PASS location.protocol = 'é' threw exception SyntaxError: Failed to set the 'protocol' property on 'Location': 'é' is an invalid protocol.. PASS location.protocol = '[' threw exception SyntaxError: Failed to set the 'protocol' property on 'Location': '[' is an invalid protocol.. PASS location.protocol = '0' threw exception SyntaxError: Failed to set the 'protocol' property on 'Location': '0' is an invalid protocol.. PASS a.protocol is 'http:' PASS a.href is 'https://www.apple.com/' PASS a.href is 'http://www.apple.com/' PASS a.href is 'https://www.apple.com/' PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE