This tests the constructor for the AnimationEvent DOM class. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType').bubbles is false PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType').cancelable is false PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType').animationName is "" PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType').elapsedTime is 0 PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { bubbles: false }).bubbles is false PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true }).bubbles is true PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { cancelable: false }).cancelable is false PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { cancelable: true }).cancelable is true PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { animationName: 'doremi' }).animationName is "doremi" PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { animationName: '' }).animationName is "" PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { animationName: undefined }).animationName is "" PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { animationName: null }).animationName is "null" PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { animationName: false }).animationName is "false" PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { animationName: true }).animationName is "true" PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { animationName: 12345 }).animationName is "12345" PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { animationName: 18446744073709551615 }).animationName is "18446744073709552000" PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { animationName: NaN }).animationName is "NaN" PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { animationName: [] }).animationName is "" PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { animationName: [1, 2, 3] }).animationName is "1,2,3" PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { animationName: {doremi: 12345} }).animationName is "[object Object]" PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { animationName: {valueOf: function () { return 'doremi'; } } }).animationName is "[object Object]" PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { elapsedTime: 0 }).elapsedTime is 0 PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { elapsedTime: 123.45 }).elapsedTime is 123.45 PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { elapsedTime: -123.45 }).elapsedTime is -123.45 PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { elapsedTime: 18446744073709551615 }).elapsedTime is 18446744073709551615 PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { elapsedTime: NaN }).elapsedTime threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'AnimationEvent': Failed to read the 'elapsedTime' property from 'AnimationEventInit': The provided double value is non-finite.. PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { elapsedTime: Infinity }).elapsedTime threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'AnimationEvent': Failed to read the 'elapsedTime' property from 'AnimationEventInit': The provided double value is non-finite.. PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { elapsedTime: -Infinity }).elapsedTime threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'AnimationEvent': Failed to read the 'elapsedTime' property from 'AnimationEventInit': The provided double value is non-finite.. PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { elapsedTime: undefined }).elapsedTime is 0 PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { elapsedTime: null }).elapsedTime is 0 PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { elapsedTime: false }).elapsedTime is 0 PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { elapsedTime: true }).elapsedTime is 1 PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { elapsedTime: '' }).elapsedTime is 0 PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { elapsedTime: 'doremi' }).elapsedTime threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'AnimationEvent': Failed to read the 'elapsedTime' property from 'AnimationEventInit': The provided double value is non-finite.. PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { elapsedTime: [] }).elapsedTime is 0 PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { elapsedTime: [123.45] }).elapsedTime is 123.45 PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { elapsedTime: [123.45, 678.90] }).elapsedTime threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'AnimationEvent': Failed to read the 'elapsedTime' property from 'AnimationEventInit': The provided double value is non-finite.. PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { elapsedTime: {doremi: 123.45} }).elapsedTime threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'AnimationEvent': Failed to read the 'elapsedTime' property from 'AnimationEventInit': The provided double value is non-finite.. PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { elapsedTime: {valueOf: function () { return 123.45 } } }).elapsedTime is 123.45 PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, animationName: 'doremi', elapsedTime: 123.45 }).bubbles is true PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, animationName: 'doremi', elapsedTime: 123.45 }).cancelable is true PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, animationName: 'doremi', elapsedTime: 123.45 }).animationName is 'doremi' PASS new AnimationEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, animationName: 'doremi', elapsedTime: 123.45 }).elapsedTime is 123.45 PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE