This tests the constructor for the ErrorEvent DOM class. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType').bubbles is false PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType').cancelable is false PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType').message is "" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType').filename is "" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType').lineno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { bubbles: false }).bubbles is false PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true }).bubbles is true PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { cancelable: false }).cancelable is false PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { cancelable: true }).cancelable is true PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { message: 'melancholy' }).message is "melancholy" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { message: '' }).message is "" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { message: undefined }).message is "" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { message: null }).message is "null" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { message: false }).message is "false" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { message: true }).message is "true" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { message: 12345 }).message is "12345" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { message: 18446744073709551615 }).message is "18446744073709552000" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { message: NaN }).message is "NaN" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { message: [] }).message is "" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { message: [1, 2, 3] }).message is "1,2,3" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { message: {melancholy: 12345} }).message is "[object Object]" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { message: {valueOf: function () { return 'melancholy'; } } }).message is "[object Object]" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { filename: 'melancholy' }).filename is "melancholy" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { filename: '' }).filename is "" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { filename: undefined }).filename is "" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { filename: null }).filename is "null" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { filename: false }).filename is "false" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { filename: true }).filename is "true" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { filename: 12345 }).filename is "12345" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { filename: 18446744073709551615 }).filename is "18446744073709552000" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { filename: NaN }).filename is "NaN" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { filename: [] }).filename is "" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { filename: [1, 2, 3] }).filename is "1,2,3" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { filename: {melancholy: 12345} }).filename is "[object Object]" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { filename: {valueOf: function () { return 'melancholy'; } } }).filename is "[object Object]" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: 0 }).lineno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: 1 }).lineno is 1 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: 4294967294 }).lineno is 4294967294 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: 4294967295 }).lineno is 4294967295 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: 9007199254740991 }).lineno is 4294967295 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: 18446744073709551615 }).lineno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: 12345678901234567890 }).lineno is 3944679424 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: -1 }).lineno is 4294967295 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: 123.45 }).lineno is 123 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: NaN }).lineno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: undefined }).lineno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: null }).lineno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: '' }).lineno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: '12345' }).lineno is 12345 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: '12345a' }).lineno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: 'abc' }).lineno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: [] }).lineno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: [12345] }).lineno is 12345 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: [12345, 67890] }).lineno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: {} }).lineno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: {moemoe: 12345} }).lineno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { lineno: {valueOf: function () { return 12345; }} }).lineno is 12345 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: 0 }).colno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: 1 }).colno is 1 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: 4294967294 }).colno is 4294967294 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: 4294967295 }).colno is 4294967295 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: 9007199254740991 }).colno is 4294967295 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: 18446744073709551615 }).colno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: 12345678901234567890 }).colno is 3944679424 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: -1 }).colno is 4294967295 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: 123.45 }).colno is 123 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: NaN }).colno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: undefined }).colno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: null }).colno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: '' }).colno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: '12345' }).colno is 12345 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: '12345a' }).colno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: 'abc' }).colno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: [] }).colno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: [12345] }).colno is 12345 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: [12345, 67890] }).colno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: {} }).colno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: {moemoe: 12345} }).colno is 0 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { colno: {valueOf: function () { return 12345; }} }).colno is 12345 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { error: { moemoe: 12345 } }).error.moemoe is 12345 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { error: { message: 'Message' } }).error.message is "Message" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, message: 'sakuranbo', filename: 'amaenbo', lineno: 12345, colno: 23456, error: { message: 'hi' } }).bubbles is true PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, message: 'sakuranbo', filename: 'amaenbo', lineno: 12345, colno: 23456, error: { message: 'hi' } }).cancelable is true PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, message: 'sakuranbo', filename: 'amaenbo', lineno: 12345, colno: 23456, error: { message: 'hi' } }).message is "sakuranbo" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, message: 'sakuranbo', filename: 'amaenbo', lineno: 12345, colno: 23456, error: { message: 'hi' } }).filename is "amaenbo" PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, message: 'sakuranbo', filename: 'amaenbo', lineno: 12345, colno: 23456, error: { message: 'hi' } }).lineno is 12345 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, message: 'sakuranbo', filename: 'amaenbo', lineno: 12345, colno: 23456, error: { message: 'hi' } }).colno is 23456 PASS new ErrorEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, message: 'sakuranbo', filename: 'amaenbo', lineno: 12345, colno: 23456, error: { message: 'hi' } }).error.message is "hi" PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE