This test verifies the hit test regions given to the compositor specifically around non-composited overflow scroll elements. scrollContent: layer(800x600) has hit test rect (287,53 15x10) scrollContent: layer(800x600) has hit test rect (14,63 288x12) scrollContent: layer(800x600) has hit test rect (287,75 15x8) scrollContent: layer(800x600) has hit test rect (287,90 15x30) scrollContent: layer(800x600) has hit test rect (287,127 15x30) scrollContent: layer(800x600) has hit test rect (271,138 15x19) scrollContent: layer(800x600) has hit test rect (287,169 15x30) scrollContent: layer(800x600) has hit test rect (287,211 15x30) scrollContent: layer(800x600) has hit test rect (271,222 15x19) scrollContent: layer(800x600) has hit test rect (287,253 15x30) scrollContent: layer(800x600) has hit test rect (287,295 15x30) scrollContent: layer(800x600) has hit test rect (282,342 15x38) scrollContainerWithHandler: layer(785x799) has hit test rect (287,53 15x30) scrollContainerWithHandler: layer(785x799) has hit test rect (13,89 290x32) scrollContainerWithHandler: layer(785x799) has hit test rect (287,127 15x30) scrollContainerWithHandler: layer(785x799) has hit test rect (271,138 15x19) scrollContainerWithHandler: layer(785x799) has hit test rect (287,169 15x30) scrollContainerWithHandler: layer(785x799) has hit test rect (287,211 15x30) scrollContainerWithHandler: layer(785x799) has hit test rect (271,222 15x19) scrollContainerWithHandler: layer(785x799) has hit test rect (287,253 15x30) scrollContainerWithHandler: layer(785x799) has hit test rect (287,295 15x30) scrollContainerWithHandler: layer(785x799) has hit test rect (282,342 15x38) nestedContent: layer(785x1135) has hit test rect (287,53 15x30) nestedContent: layer(785x1135) has hit test rect (287,90 15x30) nestedContent: layer(785x1135) has hit test rect (287,127 15x30) nestedContent: layer(785x1135) has hit test rect (271,138 15x10) nestedContent: layer(785x1135) has hit test rect (15,148 271x9) nestedContent: layer(785x1135) has hit test rect (287,169 15x30) nestedContent: layer(785x1135) has hit test rect (287,211 15x30) nestedContent: layer(785x1135) has hit test rect (271,222 15x19) nestedContent: layer(785x1135) has hit test rect (287,253 15x30) nestedContent: layer(785x1135) has hit test rect (287,295 15x30) nestedContent: layer(785x1135) has hit test rect (282,342 15x38) fixedPositionContentContainer: layer(785x1503) has hit test rect (287,53 15x30) fixedPositionContentContainer: layer(785x1503) has hit test rect (287,90 15x30) fixedPositionContentContainer: layer(785x1503) has hit test rect (287,127 15x30) fixedPositionContentContainer: layer(785x1503) has hit test rect (271,138 15x19) fixedPositionContentContainer: layer(785x1503) has hit test rect (287,169 15x10) fixedPositionContentContainer: layer(785x1503) has hit test rect (14,179 288x12) fixedPositionContentContainer: layer(785x1503) has hit test rect (310,190 132x12) fixedPositionContentContainer: layer(785x1503) has hit test rect (287,191 15x8) fixedPositionContentContainer: layer(785x1503) has hit test rect (287,211 15x30) fixedPositionContentContainer: layer(785x1503) has hit test rect (271,222 15x19) fixedPositionContentContainer: layer(785x1503) has hit test rect (287,253 15x30) fixedPositionContentContainer: layer(785x1503) has hit test rect (287,295 15x30) fixedPositionContentContainer: layer(785x1503) has hit test rect (282,342 15x38) overflowwithhandler: layer(785x1935) has hit test rect (287,53 15x30) overflowwithhandler: layer(785x1935) has hit test rect (287,90 15x30) overflowwithhandler: layer(785x1935) has hit test rect (287,127 15x30) overflowwithhandler: layer(785x1935) has hit test rect (271,138 15x19) overflowwithhandler: layer(785x1935) has hit test rect (287,169 15x30) overflowwithhandler: layer(785x1935) has hit test rect (287,211 15x10) overflowwithhandler: layer(785x1935) has hit test rect (14,221 288x20) overflowwithhandler: layer(785x1935) has hit test rect (287,253 15x30) overflowwithhandler: layer(785x1935) has hit test rect (287,295 15x30) overflowwithhandler: layer(785x1935) has hit test rect (282,342 15x38) divInsideNonScrollableLayer: layer(785x2271) has hit test rect (287,53 15x30) divInsideNonScrollableLayer: layer(785x2271) has hit test rect (287,90 15x30) divInsideNonScrollableLayer: layer(785x2271) has hit test rect (287,127 15x30) divInsideNonScrollableLayer: layer(785x2271) has hit test rect (271,138 15x19) divInsideNonScrollableLayer: layer(785x2271) has hit test rect (287,169 15x30) divInsideNonScrollableLayer: layer(785x2271) has hit test rect (287,211 15x30) divInsideNonScrollableLayer: layer(785x2271) has hit test rect (271,222 15x19) divInsideNonScrollableLayer: layer(785x2271) has hit test rect (287,253 15x20) divInsideNonScrollableLayer: layer(785x2271) has hit test rect (14,273 288x10) divInsideNonScrollableLayer: layer(785x2271) has hit test rect (287,295 15x30) divInsideNonScrollableLayer: layer(785x2271) has hit test rect (282,342 15x38) divInsideCompositedLayer: layer(273x22) has hit test rect (0,10 273x12) divInsideCompositedLayer: layer(785x2639) has hit test rect (287,53 15x30) divInsideCompositedLayer: layer(785x2639) has hit test rect (287,90 15x30) divInsideCompositedLayer: layer(785x2639) has hit test rect (287,127 15x30) divInsideCompositedLayer: layer(785x2639) has hit test rect (271,138 15x19) divInsideCompositedLayer: layer(785x2639) has hit test rect (287,169 15x30) divInsideCompositedLayer: layer(785x2639) has hit test rect (287,211 15x30) divInsideCompositedLayer: layer(785x2639) has hit test rect (271,222 15x19) divInsideCompositedLayer: layer(785x2639) has hit test rect (287,253 15x30) divInsideCompositedLayer: layer(785x2639) has hit test rect (287,295 15x30) divInsideCompositedLayer: layer(785x2639) has hit test rect (282,342 15x38) overflowwithborder: layer(785x3007) has hit test rect (287,53 15x30) overflowwithborder: layer(785x3007) has hit test rect (287,90 15x30) overflowwithborder: layer(785x3007) has hit test rect (287,127 15x30) overflowwithborder: layer(785x3007) has hit test rect (271,138 15x19) overflowwithborder: layer(785x3007) has hit test rect (287,169 15x30) overflowwithborder: layer(785x3007) has hit test rect (287,211 15x30) overflowwithborder: layer(785x3007) has hit test rect (271,222 15x19) overflowwithborder: layer(785x3007) has hit test rect (287,253 15x30) overflowwithborder: layer(785x3007) has hit test rect (287,295 15x30) overflowwithborder: layer(785x3007) has hit test rect (13,336 290x50)