Verifies that a tap occurring in a scrolled iframe has the correct co-ordinates On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". Sending GestureTapDown to 30,27 Sending GestureShowPress Sending GestureTap Received mousemove in child frame PASS event.screenX is pointInWindow.x PASS event.screenY is pointInWindow.y PASS event.clientX is pointInFrame.x PASS event.clientY is pointInFrame.y PASS event.pageX is pointInFrame.x + frameScrollOffset.x PASS event.pageY is pointInFrame.y + frameScrollOffset.y Received mousedown in child frame PASS event.screenX is pointInWindow.x PASS event.screenY is pointInWindow.y PASS event.clientX is pointInFrame.x PASS event.clientY is pointInFrame.y PASS event.pageX is pointInFrame.x + frameScrollOffset.x PASS event.pageY is pointInFrame.y + frameScrollOffset.y Received mouseup in child frame PASS event.screenX is pointInWindow.x PASS event.screenY is pointInWindow.y PASS event.clientX is pointInFrame.x PASS event.clientY is pointInFrame.y PASS event.pageX is pointInFrame.x + frameScrollOffset.x PASS event.pageY is pointInFrame.y + frameScrollOffset.y Received click in child frame PASS event.screenX is pointInWindow.x PASS event.screenY is pointInWindow.y PASS event.clientX is pointInFrame.x PASS event.clientY is pointInFrame.y PASS event.pageX is pointInFrame.x + frameScrollOffset.x PASS event.pageY is pointInFrame.y + frameScrollOffset.y PASS eventReceived.mousemove is true PASS eventReceived.mousedown is true PASS eventReceived.mouseup is true PASS is true PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE