This test aims to check for rangeUnderflow flag with a number input field On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". Type=number PASS The value "101" doesn't underflow the minimum value "100". PASS The value "-99" doesn't underflow the minimum value "-100". PASS The value "101" doesn't underflow the minimum value "1E+2". PASS The value "1.01" doesn't underflow the minimum value "1.00". PASS The value "" doesn't underflow the minimum value "100". PASS The value "" doesn't underflow the minimum value "1". PASS The value "-1" doesn't underflow the minimum value "". PASS The value "-1" doesn't underflow the minimum value "xxx". PASS The value "0.999999999999999999999999999999999999999998" doesn't underflow the minimum value "0.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999". PASS The value "99" undeflows the minimum value "100". PASS The value "-101" undeflows the minimum value "-100". PASS The value "99" undeflows the minimum value "1E+2". PASS The value "101" undeflows the minimum value "200". PASS The value "-.8" undeflows the minimum value "1". PASS The value "99" undeflows the minimum value "1E+2" when disabled. PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE