Check stepUp() and stepDown() behavior for type=time. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". Invalid value PASS stepUp("", null, null) is "00:01" PASS stepDown("", null, null) is "00:00" Non-number arguments PASS stepUp("20:13", null, null, "0") is "20:13" PASS stepDown("20:13", null, null, "0") is "20:13" PASS stepUp("20:13", null, null, "foo") is "20:13" PASS stepDown("20:13", null, null, "foo") is "20:13" PASS stepUp("20:13", null, null, null) is "20:13" PASS stepDown("20:13", null, null, null) is "20:13" Normal cases PASS stepUp("20:13", null, null) is "20:14" PASS stepDown("20:13", null, null) is "20:12" PASS stepUp("20:13", null, null, 10) is "20:23" PASS stepDown("20:13", null, null, 11) is "20:02" PASS stepUp("20:13", "4", null, 2) is "20:13:08" PASS stepDown("20:13", "4", null, 3) is "20:12:48" Step=any PASS stepUp("20:13", "any", null) threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to execute 'stepUp' on 'HTMLInputElement': This form element does not have an allowed value step.. PASS stepDown("20:13", "any", null) threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to execute 'stepDown' on 'HTMLInputElement': This form element does not have an allowed value step.. Overflow/underflow FAIL stepUp("20:13", "3.40282346e+38", null) should be 20:13. Was 00:00:00. FAIL stepDown("20:13", "3.40282346e+38", null) should be 20:13. Was 00:00:00. PASS stepUp("20:13", "1", "20:13") is "20:13:00" PASS stepDown("20:13", "1", "20:13") is "20:13:00" PASS stepUp("23:59", null, null) is "23:59" PASS stepDown("00:00", null, null) is "00:00" Invalid min/max: PASS setInputAttributes("10:00", "09:00", "60", "08:00"); input.stepUp(); input.value is "08:00" PASS inputWithInitialValue.stepUp(); inputWithInitialValue.value is "12:34" Step-mismatched initial values PASS stepUp("20:13", "86400.000", null, 65536) is "20:13" PASS stepUp("20:13", "86400.001", null, 65536) is "20:13" PASS stepUp("20:13", "600", null, 1) is "20:20" PASS stepUp("20:13", "600", null, 2) is "20:30" PASS stepDown("20:13", "600", null, 1) is "20:10" PASS stepDown("20:13", "600", null, 2) is "20:00" PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE